Photo 51
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This is a NOVA special on the scientific events leading to the discovery of the structure of DNA.  You are to watch this video in class due to the suitability of this content to raise issues of scientific ethics, as well as inform you of the facts regarding this famous event in scientific history.

To gain the most from this video, you are to think about, be prepared to answer, or challenge the following in preparation for a discussion session on this video during the first hour of the next class session.


1. Part of Rosalind's dilemma was the gender discrimination that was present in science at that time in England.  Do you think such gender discrimination still exists in science today?  What about other forms of discrimination?

2. What was photo 51?

3. How did Watson and Crick learn of Rosalind's research findings?  Is this ethical?

4. Why didn't Rosalind publish her findings immediately?  After-all, her inspection of the model of Watson and Crick was clearly based on her photo findings, and was an essential part of the scientific validation of the model.

5. What do these events tell you about the need to immediately publish research findings?

6. Do you think Watson and Crick deserve their Nobel Prize for the discovery of the structure of DNA?

7.  Who should be recognized, based on what criteria, when scientific discoveries are made that involve mentors, under-studies, and perhaps even students?