Survival Kit
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The "Survival Kit" is my way of requiring you to collate material gathered during this class.  I suggest that you develop some form of organization for the material that you are likely to require during your initial years as an Assistant Professor.  The intent is to use this material to facilitate your progress through promotion and tenure.

I recommend that you collate documents such as;

information on job advertisements

the university job search and interview process

the procedures of promotion and tenure

merit pay


job conditions as detailed in the Faculty Handbook

internal and external research grant funding opportunities

internal and external teaching grant funding opportunities

future research topics/questions

important laboratory equipment web pages and perhaps even price quotes

contact and price information for pertinent software (Prism, Statistica, Adobe Illustrator, LabVIEW, etc)

URLs for imporant journals, perhaps even including submission guidelines, submission costs, page costs, etc