Assignment 1

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Chapter 3: Interacting with maps

Exercise 3a: Displyaing Map Data

In this exercise, we learnt to play with layers and using Identify tool. I useed the following steps for interacting with maps.

Figure 1: World map with showing world population and table of content of layers on left side


Exercise 3b: Navigating map


In this exercise we learn to Zoom, Pan, Identify tools to navigate the maps.


Figure 2: Showing feature-specific information for Iran using Identify tool and zoomed In to Iran



Exercise 3c: Using basic tools


In this exercise, we learnt to use basic tools like labeling the features, using View windows & magnifier window, using Bookmarks and also measuring distance between two points.




Figure 4: Showing map with viewer window




Figure 5: Showing Magnifier window with 1 time magnified map




Figure 6: Displaying distance between Paris and New York.


Exercise 3d


Looking at the features attributes

Information associated with the features which are recorded is located in attribute table. We did statistical analysis for few selected data for population from attribute table


Figure 7: Showing Statistical analysis of population from selected records in attribute table


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