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GEOG585: Internet Mapping: Home Work 4

Question 1

1. Create a new workspace on the class GeoServer ( for your


Question 2

2. Add your initial datasets from Assignment 3 into GeoServer through the standard process of
creating a 'store' for each dataset, then adding layers to GeoServer based upon the added


Question 3

3. Display each of your added layers in the "Open Layers" "Layer Preview" and include in your
write-up screenshots of each of the previews.

Question 4

4. Identify and acquire 3 additional datasets for use in your project. Include the first 5 lines of
the output of ogrinfo or gdalinfo for each of the datasets in your writeup.

I only have one layer to show here right now. After spending hours downloading orthophotos I realized that they are not compatible with GeoServer without an ERDAS license. I discovered work arounds but they are too time consuming given the spatial extent of my project area. When playing with topos I found a small clip of a topo map too big to serve (~100mb) without tiling. Lots of time with nothing to show for it. This summer I'm going to work more with preparing gridded data and writing scripts to preprocess some larger datasets.