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GEOG585: Internet Mapping: MidTerm

Question 1

Which command line utility would you use to determine the following (4 pts each)
1. The spatial extent of a GML file (choose one)?

2. The spatial reference system of a raster file in the format of a GeoTIFF (choose one)?

Question 2

2. What combination of OGC Service and Request (e.g. SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo) would you use to perform the following? (3 pts each)
1. Determine the spatial extent of an available layer from a Web Map Service.

2. Obtain a list of coverages from a Web Coverage service.

3. Determine what file formats are supported by a Web Feature Service for the delivery of available data types (i.e. layers)

4. Retrieve a map image from a Web Map Service 

5. Retrieve data from an available coverage from a Web Coverage Service 

Question 3

3. Use the cs2cs command line utility to convert the following latitude-longitude
coordinates (WGS84) to UTM, Zone 13N, NAD83 coordinates (5 pts each)
1. 35.2386477 North Latitude -107.6083868 East Longitude (Mount TaylorSummit)
262645.89  3902627.28  0.00
2. 35.0839355 North Latitude -106.6191915 East Longitude (UNM)
352390.41  3883550.28  0.00

Question 4

4. Perform the following WMS GetCapabilities request: and answer the following questions (4 pts each)
1. What is the name of the service? 

2. What file formats are supported by the GetMap request?
gif, png, 24bit png, jpeg, wbmp, tiff

3. What are the names of the layers included in the service?
SurveyAreaPoly, SurveyAreaPolyTransparent, SurveyAreaPolyOutline, MapunitPoly, MapunitLine, MapunitPoint

Question 5

5. Compose a GetMap request for the WMS referenced in Question 3 that includes the following characteristics:
• JPEG image format
• 1200 pixels wide (you will need to calculate the height based upon the aspect ratio of the bounding box)
• Bounding Box (EPSG:4326):
• Min X = -106.993 East Longitude
• Min Y = 34.989 North Latitude
• Max X = -106.243 East Longitude
• Max Y = 35.489 North Latitude
• Layer to be mapped = “SurveyAreaPoly”
Include in your answer both the complete WMS GetMap request and the resulting map image that is returned. (15 pts),34.989,-106.243,35.489&WIDTH=1200&HEIGHT=800&SRS=EPSG:4326&FORMAT=image/jpeg


Question 6

6. From the XML GetCapabilities returned by the following WFS request answer the following questions (4 pts each)
1. What is the abstract for this service?
This is the reference implementation of WFS 1.0.0 and WFS 1.1.0, supports all WFS operations including Transaction.
2. What file formats are supported by this serviceʼs GetFeature request?
text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1,GML2,GML2-GZIP,OGR-CSV-ZIP,OGR-DGN,OGR-KML,OGR-KML-ZIP,OGR-MIF-ZIP,OGR-SHP-ZIP,OGR-TAB-ZIP,SHAPE-ZIP,csv,gml3,gml32,json,text/xml; subtype=gml/2.1.2,text/xml; subtype=gml/3.2
3. What is the DefaultSRS for the FeatureType named “ogi:quad100”?
4. What is the WGS84BoundingBox of the FeatureType named “ogi:quad100”?
-104.101, 30.4, -93.9, 40.6

Question 7

7. From the XML GetCapabilities returned by the following WCS request answer the following questions (4 pts each)
1. What is the description of this service?
Experimental THREDDS/WCS server for CDM gridded datasets
2. How many coverages are available from this service?

Question 8

8. Formulate a complete DescribeCoverage request for the WCS service referenced in Question 7. Provide the complete DescribeCoverage request and returned XML document in your response to this question. (4 pts each)
1. DescribeCoverage request and response:

From the returned XML document answer the following questions.
2. What is the spatial domain for the ʻuʻ coverage?
-97.88385009765625, 21.700000762939453, -57.1924934387207, 46.49441909790039
3. What file formats are available for ʻuʻ data delivered by this service?
GeoTIFF, GeoTIFFfloat, NetCDF3
4. What SRS(s) are supported by this service for requested data delivery?