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GEOG585: Internet Mapping: Lab 4

Question 1

Briefly describe each dataset based upon the information from the web site.


BERNCO: Open Space Orthoimagery Metadata:
RGIS: NM Mineral Deposits Shapefile Metadata:
RGIS: Volcanic Vents Shapefile Metadata:

Question 2

Using the version of FWtools installed on the lab computers, examine each file using either gdalinfo or ogrinfo (depending upon whether it is a raster or vector data product), and answer the following questions about each data set:

BERNCO: Orthoimage Raster
  1. What is the projection/coordinate system for the data product? If it is undefined, note it. NAD83_HARN / New Mexico Central
  2. What is the spatial extent of the data product? (35° 12' 37.890" N, 106° 43' 7.630" W) - (35° 13' 4.930" N, 106° 42' 34.060" W)
  3. If it is a vector dataset, how many features does it have? If it is a raster dataset, what is the pixel resolution (include units) of the dataset? 0.5ft
RGIS: NM Mineral Deposits Vector
  1. What is the projection/coordinate system for the data product? If it is undefined, note it. GCS_WGS_1984
  2. What is the spatial extent of the data product? (-109.043091, 31.798595) - (-103.170486, 36.940117)
  3. If it is a vector dataset, how many features does it have? If it is a raster dataset, what is the pixel resolution (include units) of the dataset? 773 Features
RGIS: Volcanic Vents Vector
  1. What is the projection/coordinate system for the data product? If it is undefined, note it. GCS_WGS_1984
  2. What is the spatial extent of the data product? (-109.044762, 31.221903) - (-102.994202, 36.969204)
  3. If it is a vector dataset, how many features does it have? If it is a raster dataset, what is the pixel resolution (include units) of the dataset? 265 Features

Question 3

Use proj or cs2cs (also included in FWtools) to calculate the coordinates of the spatial extent of the datasets that you downloaded in UTM Zone 13N, NAD27. Paste the input and output of the command(s) into your writeup.


BERNCO: Raster
cs2cs +proj=latlong +datum=NAD83 +to +proj=utm +zone=13 +datum=NAD27 -r
35d12'37.890"N 106d43'7.630"W
343602.17 3897539.37 -0.00
35d13'4.930"N 106d42'34.060"W
344465.37 3898357.84 -0.00

RGIS: Mineral Deposits Vector
cs2cs +proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 +to +proj=utm +zone=13 +datum=NAD27 -r
31.221903 -109.044762
114659.87 3461054.53 0.00
36.969204 -102.994202
678597.83 4093131.72 0.00

RGIS: Volcanic Vents Vector
cs2cs +proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 +to +proj=utm +zone=13 +datum=NAD27 -r
31.798595 -109.043091
117183.42 3525037.79 0.00
36.940117 -103.170486
662966.01 4089588.41 0.00