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GEOG585: Internet Mapping: Lab 9

Question 1

Open ArcGIS on your workstation and verify that the “Data Interoperability” extension is
installed.  Done.

Question 2

Add three WMS layers to a new map project in ArcMAP, with one coming from each of the
following WMS services (as represented by their GetCapabilities requests)

1. EDAC’s Imagery WMS Service:

2. FEMA’s National Flood Hazard Layer WMS Service:

3. NRCS Soil Data Mart WMS Service:

In your write-up include the names of the layers you added, which service they came
from, and screen shots showing each of them in the QGIS client interface.

Layer Name: Flood Hazard Zones (Detailed) Service:
Layer Name: doqq05  Service:
Layer Name: Soil Mapunit Polygon  Service:

Question 3

Add three WFS layers to the same QGIS project, two based upon data available from the
RGIS data browser (, and one based on the USGS
Gazatteer Framework WFS service (
datastore=GNIS [note the additional required “datastore=GNIS” parameter that is part of the
base URL for the WFS service]).

In your write-up include the names of the layers you added, and the GetCapabilities
requests related to those layers. Also include screen shots showing each layer in
your QGIS project.

Layer: huc250k_13shp

Layer: albuqshp

Layer:  NoGeometry  Could not load layer- Server error