The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Spring 2016 as of Census date: February 5, 2016
Campus: Main Campus -- College: ME-School of Medicine

  Three Year Spring Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
DEHY 205 L 001 Intro To Dent Hygn *Logothetis, Demetra ARR . 2 24 48 24.00 30.00 48.00
  Online course visit:                
DEHY 210 L 002 Head & Neck Anatomy *Calleros, Christina NOVH 134 F 100P - 300P 2 24 48 24.00 24.00 48.00
DEHY 211 L 001 Dental Anatomy *Beatty, Connie NOVH 136 M 900A - 1200A 2 24 48 24.00 30.00 48.00
DEHY 250 L 001 Gen Oral Hist & Embr *Aboytes, Diana NOVH 136 M 200P - 400P 2 24 48 24.33 30.00 48.67
DEHY 303 U 001 Clinical DH Lec II *Calleros, Christina ARR . NOVH 136 T 900A - 1200A 3 24 72 24.00 30.00 72.00
DEHY 304 U 001 Clinical DH II *Calleros, Christina NOVH CLNC W F 900A - 1200A NOVH CLNC W 100P - 400P 3 24 72 24.00 30.00 72.00
DEHY 320 U 001 Dental Bio-Materials *Beatty, Connie NOVH 261 M 100P - 400P 2 24 48 24.00 30.00 48.00
DEHY 360 U 001 DH Pharmacology *Logothetis, Demetra NOVH 136 R 900A - 1200A 3 24 72 8.00 10.00 24.00
DEHY 370 U 001 Special Care D Hygn *Hsu, Candace NOVH 136 F 100P - 300P 2 24 48 24.00 30.00 48.00
DEHY 400 U 002 Current Issues *Nathe, Christine ARR . 3 25 75 17.67 30.00 53.00
  XL: EA-DEHY500                
  Online course visit: http//                
DEHY 403 U 002 Clinical DH Lec IV *Aboytes, Diana NOVH 261 F 1000A - 1200A 2 23 46 23.67 28.00 47.33
DEHY 404 U 001 Clinical DH IV *Aboytes, Diana NOVH CLNC T R 830A - 1200A NOVH CLNC T R 100P - 430P 4 24 96 24.00 30.00 96.00
DEHY 407 U 004 DH Problems *Nathe, Christine ARR . V 1 3 0.33 30.00 1.00
  Online course visit:                
DEHY 410 U 011 DH Research Methods *Nathe, Christine ARR . 3 3 9 2.33 24.00 7.00
  Online course visit:                
DEHY 423 U 001 Dental Public Health II *Nathe, Christine ARR . 1 24 24 24.00 30.00 24.00
  Online course visit:                
DEHY 440 U 002 Extramural Exper *Nathe, Christine ARR . V 24 68 18.67 30.00 53.33
  Online course visit:                
DEHY 440 U 003 Extramural Exper *Nathe, Christine ARR . V 2 6 0.67 20.00 2.00
  Online course visit                
DEHY 442 U 002 Prin of Practice *Nathe, Christine NOVH 261 F 800A - 959A 2 24 48 8.00 9.33 16.00
  Rescheduled from CRN 27071 DEHY 442 001.                
DEHY 470 U 001 Periodontology I *Aboytes, Diana NOVH 136 M 900A - 1200A 3 24 72 24.00 28.00 72.00
DEHY 500 M 001 Current Issues *Nathe, Christine ARR . 3 4 12 1.33 10.00 4.00
  XL: EA-DEHY400                
  Online course visit:                
DEHY 501 M 001 D H Admin *Logothetis, Demetra ARR . 3 6 18 4.33 15.00 13.00
  Online course visit:                
DEHY 503 M 001 Oral Medicine *Nathe, Christine ARR . 3 4 12 4.00 15.00 12.00
  Online course visit:                
DEHY 504 M 002 DH Internship *Nathe, Christine; Logothetis, Demetra ARR . 3 5 15 3.67 30.00 11.00
  Online course visit:                
DEHY 538 M 001 DH Statistics *Nathe, Christine ARR . 3 8 24 2.67 6.67 8.00
  Online course visit                
DEHY 560 M 002 DH Nonthesis *Nathe, Christine; Aboytes, Diana ARR . 3 1 3 0.33 30.00 1.00
  Online course visit:                
DEHY 599 M 003 DH Thesis *Nathe, Christine; Aboytes, Diana ARR . V 10 12 10.33 30.00 16.33
  Online course visit:                
          428 1,047 370.33 640.00 893.67