Sample multiple choice (there will be 10 on the exam):

Which of the following is not a characteristic of art from the Neolithic period:

  1. use of large stones;
  2. geometric organization
  3. paintings on the walls of caves;
  4. required social organization.

Sample Fill-in-the Blank (there will be 10 on the exam):

Large pyramids were built only during the _____________________________ period in ancient Egypt.

Sample essay questions (The essay question on the exam will be one of the following):

  1. How does portraiture from the Amarna period differ formally from portraiture during the Old Kingdom? Include a specific example(s).
  2. How does Minoan art differ from Mycenean? Include a specific example(s).
  3. How does Classic Greek sculpture differ from Archaic? Include a specific example(s).
  4. What architectural innovations did the Romans introduce? How did they affect the buildings? Include a specific example(s).