History of Art I

Prehistory to Gothic, Catalog: AH201, Fall 2008

SECOND PAPER ASSIGNMENT: Due Thursday, December 4th

For this assignment, you have two options: a research paper or a project. For both, you will research a single work of art dating to the period from Paleolithic through Gothic. I have provided a list of pieces to select or you may choose a different piece with the approval of the professor or a GA. Your paper or project must be accompanied by a bibliography with at least five appropriate sources; general art history texts can be used as a starting point (look in the back for sources) but do not count toward the five sources. Try to include articles, which tend to be more specific and more recent. You may use the Internet, especially Art Index and Art Bibliography (look on the UNM Library website), but be cautious. Most sites are not monitored by authorities so these sites will not count toward your five sources. Papers are due at the beginning of class. If late, they will be marked down 5% per day (i.e., a paper that would have earned an 85% if on time would be worth 75% if two days late).

PAPER OPTION: 5-8 pages, double-spaced. Please use 12-point font, preferably Times New Roman or Bookman Old Style, standard margins of one inch on all sides. Your paper should address a specific question about the piece. Put your name and an appropriate title for the paper on a cover page. Do not use any type of plastic cover or binder. Grammar and spelling are important to keep your paper legible. Poor writing will lower a paper's grade. It is helpful to take a draft of your paper to the professor, one of the GAs, or CAPS for help with editing, organization, and research. Do not use the first person (i.e., "I", "we"), contractions, or colloquialisms.

PROJECT OPTION: Since many of you are art studio students, the second option allows you to use your research of a specific piece toward the creation of your own drawing, painting, photograph, print, sculpture, video, or whatever medium you prefer to work in. The piece you research should inspire your work and must be present in whatever you do, both visually and thematically. Describe how your research led to your new piece in a 1-2 page paper (be sure to include your bibliography).

Possible topics:

1)Venus of Willendorf
3)Lyre soundbox from the tomb of Queen Puabi, Ur
4)Victory stele of Naram-Sin
5)Lion hunt reliefs from Nimrud
6)Palette of Narmer
7)Book of the Dead, New Kingdom
9)Vaphio cup
10)Exekias, Achilles and Ajax Playing a Board Game, Black-figure amphora
11)Kritios Boy
12)Riace Warriors
13)Winged Nike, Hellenistic
14)Ara Pacis
15)Head of Constantine
16)Villa of the Mysteries
17)Court of Justinian mosaics from San Vitale
18)Gislebertus, Last Judgment tympanum from Saint-Lazare
19)Bayeux Tapestry
20)Annunciation and Visitation, door jamb figures from Reims Cathedral