
Position your cursor in the field you wish to edit, then type your response. Use the TAB key to move from one field to another. When you have finished answering the questions, click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the form to send us your responses.


Contact Information:


Gender (M/F):




Survey questions


Note:  Information will be used for scientific research purposes only names and locations of caves will be kept strictly confidential and will be known only to you, to the researchers (Olivia Hopkins and Eric Toolson).  Nevertheless, your response to any question is strictly at your option; please do not answer any given question unless you are comfortable doing so.



Cave Information

1. Name(s) of cave(s) and geographic location where you have experienced the ability to see in total darkness.

2. Your location (including depth) in the cave(s).

3. Ease of access to location(s) of experience.

4. Description of rooms (e.g. ceiling height and shape, room size and shape, air flow in/through the room) where experience occurred

5. Other cave characteristics (e.g. temperature, humidity, noise level, accessibility, ease or difficulty of your movement and exploration, bats, other living organisms).

6. Date(s) of occurrence.

7. Time of day your experience occurred.

8. Your age when the experience occurred.



Details of the experience

9. How many times have you experienced seeing in the dark?

10. Length of time in cave prior to occurrence?

11. How many people were with you at the time of the occurrence?

12. Were you awake or asleep just prior to the experience?

13. If asleep, how long?

14. How long did the occurrence last?

15. How did it end? What stopped it (e.g. images faded, you went back to sleep, turned on light, etc.)?

16. Did images fade or stop abruptly?

17. Did others experience it? If so was it at the same time or at a different time?

18. How was your emotional state prior to the experience (e.g. excited, calm, sense of wonder, anxious or apprehensive, stressed, or depressed, etc.)?

19. What was your emotional response during the experience?

20. What about your other sensory modalities (e.g. hearing, smell, touch, etc.)? Were they heightened, intensified, impaired, unchanged?

21. Were there any other symptoms noted at the time?

22. What type of exposure protection did you have on (e.g. clothing, blankets)?

23. What could you see, what was your perceived image (e.g. objects, detail, shadows, color, body parts, close vs. far)

24. Could you see color?  If so, please describe.

25. Was there any difference in brightness between objects? (e.g. the cave wall as compared with nearby objects, a human, etc.)

26. Were you dreaming right before waking up?

27. Were there any light sources (e.g. lights, luminous watch dials, etc.)?

28. How long had it been since your last exposure to light?

29. What was your dietary history just prior to the experience? What type of beverage, food, sugar, or caffeine was ingested?  How long prior to the experience?

30. Were you hungry, thirsty, or dehydrated at the time of the experience?

31. Had you taken any drugs (e.g. over-the-counter, prescription, recreational) or alcohol prior to the experience?  If so, how long prior to the experience?

32. How comfortable or at ease are you while caving?  Do you feel any anxiety while caving?  If so, under what circumstances?

33. What were sources of possible heat (e.g. stoves, candles, lamps, people)?

34. Were there places for heat accumulation (e.g. domed ceilings, coves)?



Physical and mental health history

35. What would you consider your state of health to be at the time?

36. What was your general stress level at the time?

37. Do you have any history of head injury?

38. Do you have a history of mental illness?  What was your diagnosis?

39. Do you wear glasses or contacts? If so, why (e.g. farsighted, nearsighted, astigmatism). If glasses, are the lenses glass or plastic? Were you wearing your glasses at the time of the occurrance?

40. Are you colorblind or color deficient? If so, what type?

41. Have you ever undergone any surgery, particularly eye or brain surgery?

42. Have you ever experienced hallucinations of any kind?  If so, what type (visual, auditory, etc.) and under what circumstances?

43. What is your ethnic descent (optional)?

44. Other Information you feel pertinent to the investigation:

45. I would love to hear your story. Please list a good time to contact you if you are willing to share more details about your experience with me. If not, I would appreciate it if you would take the time to write it.

46. If you know of anyone else that has experienced this phenomenon, I would also like to contact him or her. Please list any names and contact information of friends, colleges, or acquaintances that might be willing to share their experiences with us.

Phone Number

e-mail Address


Thank you for your time and effort. They are very much appreciated. I will share my findings with you once the research is complete.

Click the Submit button below to send your information to us.


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