About me

Dr. Xin Luo Dr. Xin (Robert) Luo is a Distinguished Professor of Management Information Systems and an Endowed Dean's Professor of Research Excellence at the Robert O. Anderson School of Management of The University of New Mexico (UNM) in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. He also serves as the Special Assistant to the Dean for Research Advancement at the Anderson School of Management. He is ranked No.8 worldwide for publication in the top 6 MIS journals, including ISR, MISQ, JMIS, JAIS, EJIS, and ISJ, for 2021-2023. Additionally, he has been listed in the Top 2% Global Scientists list published by Stanford University and Elsevier. His Google Scholar profile, including citations & h-index and i-10 index, is at https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=FemyycMAAAAJ

His research interests center around behavioral information systems security management, consumer privacy protection, E-commerce/M-commerce, social commerce, innovative technologies (e.g., blockchain, artificial intelligence vs. human interactions, cloud computing, green IS, e-healthcare, social network, etc.) for business strategic decision-making and development, and cross-cultural IT management. Before joining academia, he had worked as business associate, web project manager, assistant director, and senior web developer in China and USA. He has received grants from NSA and NSF. His research articles have appeared in leading MIS or business journals including

  • Information Systems Research

  • Journal of Operations Management

  • Production and Operations Management

  • Journal of Management Information Systems

  • Journal of the Association for Information Systems

  • European Journal of Information Systems

  • Information Systems Journal

  • Journal of Strategic Information Systems

  • Journal of Information Technology

  • Decision Sciences

  • Decision Support Systems

  • Information & Management

  • Computers & Security

  • IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management


He now serves as a Co-Editor in Cheif for International Journal of Accounting and Information Management (SCIMago Q1, impact factor 4.3) and has served as

  • Editorial Review Board for Information Systems Research

  • Ad-hoc Associate Editor for MIS Quarterly

  • Associate Editor for Journal of the Association for Information Systems (January 2021 - now; Won BEST AE Award in 2023)

  • Associate Editor for Decision Sciences (April 2015 - now)

  • Associate Editor for European Journal of Information Systems (2013-2020)

  • Associate Editor for Information & Management (2020 - now)

  • Associate Editor for Decision Support Systems (2023- now)

  • Associate Editor for Electronic Commerce Research (2014 - now)

  • Associate Editor for Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (2013 - now)

  • Associate Editor for International Conference on Information Systems (2011 - now; Won Best AE Award in 2021)

  • Co-Track Chair (Societal Impact of IS) for International Conference on Information Systems (2024)

He received his Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from Mississippi State University. His doctoral dissertation chair was Dr. J.P. Shim, and his dissertation title was "An Empirical Investigation of User’s Trust and Trying toward Mobile Banking Adoption in Cross-cultural Settings: An Analysis of U.S. and Chinese Users." The other dissertation committees members were Dr. Kirk Arnett, Dr. Merrill Warkentin, Dr. Robert Otondo, Dr. Joe Sullivan, and Dr. Jianzhong Xu. He received his MBA from The University of Louisiana and MSIS in Information Systems from Mississippi State University.

He also has published many book chapters and conference proceedings such as International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), America's Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), IFIP WG 8.11/WG 11.13 Information Systems Security Research Worksohp, Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), Information Resource Management Association (IRMA), Pre-ICIS, Information Security Curriculum Development Conference, ISOneworld, Global Conference on Business and Finance, and International Conference on Electronic Business, etc.

He holds memberships of AIS (Association for Information Systems), DSI (Decision Sciences Institute), ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), and International Chinese Information System Association (ICISA).

Teaching Experience

Prior to joining UNM, Dr. Luo had taught at Mississippi State University and Virginia State University. He likes to teach Information Assurance & Security, Computer Programming (Python, VB, Java, C++, C#, JSP), Information Management, and Introduction to IS.

He designed a special topic course, Information Systems Security Management, which is tailored for CIS/MIS senior/graduate students at VSU. He is currently designing another security class with emphasis on cybercrime digital forensics analysis and control and hope to offer it in the near future.

Courses taught at The University of New Mexico

Information Systems Security
Security Analytics
Practicum (Executive MBA International Residency)
Practicum (MBA Education Leadership)
Web Development Application (graduate-level elective)
Web Scripting Language & Development (graduate-level elective)
Management of Information Systems (graduate-level elective)
Computer-Based Information Systems (MIS core)
Business Programming (MIS elective)

Courses taught at Virginia State University

Information Systems Security Management (Special Topic)
Current Issues in Information Technology (Capstone Project)
Advanced .NET Programming
Introduction to Programming
Management Information Systems
Introduction to Information Systems

Courses taught at Mississippi State University

Visual Basic Applications
Introduction to Business Information Systems

Professional Service

Dr. Luo has served on editorial capacity for several leading journals and conferences in the world.

His services role include:

  • Invited Editorial Review Board for Information Systems Research(2023-2025)

  • Invited Special AE for Journal of Management Information Systems, special issue on Metaverse (2023)

  • Invited Special Guest Editor for Decision Support Systems, special issue on Metaverse (2023)

  • Invited Special AE for Decision Support Systems, special issue on Blockchain technology and applications (2022)

  • Associate Editor for Journal of the Association for Information Systems (Since January 2021)

  • Associate Editor for Information & Management, and Journal of Intellectual Capital (Since January 2020)

  • Co-Editor in Chief for International Journal of Accounting and Information Management (since January 2016)

  • Invited Special AE for European Journal of Information Systems, special issue on Security & Privacy in 21st Century (2016)

  • Associate Editor for Decision Sciences (since April 2015)

  • Invited Review Panelist for National Science Foundation (2014, 2015)

  • Invited Guest-Editor for Decision Support Systems, special issue on New Paradigm of Security (2015)

  • Guest Associate Editor for MIS Quarterly (since 2014)

  • Associate Editor for European Journal of Information Systems (since 2013)

  • Associate Editor for Electronic Commerce Research (since 2014)

  • Associate Editor for Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (since 2013)

  • Associate Editor for International Conferences on Information Systems (ICIS track of information security and privacy, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015)

  • Guest Editorial member for Information Systems Journal-- special issue on privacy framing (2014)

  • Guest Editorial member for Journal of Organizational Computing & Electronic Commerce -- special issue on m-business (2014)

  • Guest Associate Editor for European Journal of Information Systems -- special issue on cross-cultural information systems (2013)

  • Guest Editor for Journal of Global Information Technology Management

  • Guest Editor for Electronic Markets

  • Guest Editor for International Journal of Accounting & Information Management

  • Managing Editor for Journal of Internet Commerce and Banking

He has been appointed Guest Editor for a special issue on ICT Issues in Greater China Region for The Journal of Global Information Technology Management. In 2011, he co-guest edits a special issue on e-commerce research and development in the Greater China Region for Eletronic Markets, and a special issue on information fraud for International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, respectively. At ICIS 2011, he serves as an Associate Editor for the Track of Information Systems Security and Privacy. In 2012, he has been invited to serve as an Associate Editor for a speical issue on cross-cultural IS research for European Journal of Information Systems.

He is actively involved in AMCIS, DSI, and many other national/international conferences.  He served as the Program Co-Chair of 2010 Joint Conference on eServices and Business Intelligence (June 4-6, Chengdu, China). Also, he co-chaired the mini-track of ICT issues in the Greater China Region and the mini-track of ICT issues in the Pan-Pacific Region for AMCIS 2012. Towards 2013, he will be serving as a track co-chair for Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems.He also has served as session chairs for AMCIS and DSI. As an editorial board member for several peer-reviewed journals, he is on the Program Committees for IEEE International Conference on Intelligence Security Informatics – Pacific Asia Workshop on ISI, Conference of the Global Institute of Flexible Systems Management, and IRMA. He has reviewed articles for many journals and conferences.

Dr. Luo has served as reviewer/referee for numerous academic journals, books, and conference proceedings including:

  • MIS Quarterly
  • Information Systems Research
  • Journal of the Association for Information Systems
  • Journal of Management Information Systems
  • European Journal of Information Systems
  • Information Systems Journal
  • Information & Management
  • Decision Sciences
  • Decision Support Systems
  • Electronic Commerce Research
  • Electronic Commerce Research & Applications
  • IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
  • International Journal of Electonic Commerce
  • International Conference on Information Systems
  • Information Systems Management
  • Journal of Computer Information Systems
  • Journal of Organizational Computing and Eletronic Commerce
  • Journal of Organization and End User Computing
  • Journal of Information Technology
  • Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application
  • Journal of International Technology and Information Technology
  • Industrial Management & Data Systems
  • Information Systems Security
  • Journal of Information Systems Education
  • Journal of Case on Information Technology
  • Journal of Business Disciplines
  • International Journal of Information Technology Project Management

Ongoing Research Projects

Dr. Luo likes conducting collaborative and interdisciplinary research covering information systems, marketing, management, psychology, sociology, and criminology, etc. The research methodological approaches he likes to pursue are survey, lab experiment, and interview. He prefers to employ techniques such as structural equation modeling and factor analysis. He is also keen on employing design science approach for innovative research projects.

Major Research Areas

Behavioral Information Systems Security Management, Privacy Protection, Social Commerce, Electronic commerce/Mobile commerce, Cross-cultural Information Systems, Innovative Technology Diffusion

Current Ongoing Research Projects

  • Social-psychological and criminological aspects of information security
  • Cultural factors in IS management (i.e. security mechanism control)
  • Green IT/Cloud Computing Readiness for Organizations
  • Anti online crime
  • IS individual-level or organization-level security citizen behavior
  • Malicious hacker social groups and networks
  • Monitoring and Employee Behavioral Change
  • Cross-cultural Fraud
  • Password Management and Analysis
  • Security Awareness and Privacy Concerns in S-commerce
  • Mobile Banking Security
  • Enterprise Instant Messaging
  • Accounting forenscis