Sept. 8-11: Triplets Heart Rate Method, Regular and Irregular Heart Rate Measurement, Working the EKG Numbers,

Be able to do the triplets heart rate method
Be able to do the R wave to R wave heart rate method
Be able to do the 6-second heart rate method

Be able work with small and large boxes on an EKG rhythm strip and do many basic calculations
Be able to accurately measure an EKG rhythm to determine if it is Regular or Irregular

Class, Please download the EXAM FIRST. We are working through all Exam questions in the YOUTUBE video lectuers.

Click Here to Download Exam 1 Part D due Friday Sept 11 by 12 Midnight

Please Also CLICK the links below and PRINT:
Please CLICK this link and PRINT this EKG Graph Paper worksheet
Please CLICK this link and PRINT this EKG Rhythm Worksheet

Note to Class: There are 3 Youtube Videos with this Week (see below):

Please watch this Youtube video below where we discuss the EKG timeline, EKG Graph paper and the Triplets heart rate estimation method.

Click here for the EKG Triplets YOUTUBE lecture video

EKG Graph Paper and the Triplets Heart Rate Method
With the Triplets HR technique we obtain a quick 'estimate' of heart rate to get an idea of the rhythm we are interpreting. So, for the HR above we would say it is less than 50 beats per minue. Please note that you always start counting with the '0' using the R wave deflection that is directly on top of a dark line of a large box.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: We can ONLY use the Triplets HR technique with REGULAR rhythms!
Click here for the EKG 'R wave to R wave' YOUTUBE lecture video
Click here for the EKG '6-Second HR Measurement' for Irregular Rhythms YOUTUBE lecture video
Where to start counting on an irregular rhythm?
The first QRS complex of this irregular rhythm is on the dark line of the large box. Note where you start counting to determine the 6-second heart rate for an irregular rhythm.
Note, with this irregular rhythm there are at least 3 small boxes before the FIRST QRS complex AND the line of the LARGE BOX. In fact, in this example we see 4 small boxes. So you start your counting of 30 large boxes at the starting point containing that first QRS complex.
Exam 1 Part D: Click here to get questions: Exam 1 Part D is due by 12midnight on Sept 11. No late papers accepted.