Fundamentals of Exercise Physiology Syllabus
Quicktime Video Overview of Course
Interactive Quiz One: Neuromuscular
Interactive Quiz Two: Metabolism
Interactive Quiz Three: Metabolic & Cardiovascular
Interactive Quiz Four: Respiratory and Neuroendocrine
Intro Lecture, Homeostatic Control, Neuromuscular Function: Scholarly Questions & Analytical Thinking
Metabolism: Scholary Questions and Analytical Thinking
Metabolic Adaptations & Cardiovascular Physiology: Scholary Questions and Analytical Thinking
Respiratory Physiology & Endrocrinology: Scholary Questions and Analytical Thinking
Educational Learning Tips in Exercise Physiology Below
Gross Muscle Structure and Sarcomere
Motor Unit Recruitment: Size Principle
Hypertrophic Factors to Resistance Training
Action Potential Steps
Muscle and Neuromuscular Fatigue
Lactate Formation Explanation
Lactate Article by Dr. Kravitz
TCA Cycle
Electron Transport Chain ‘Story’
ATP (Total) Production from One Molecule of Glucose
Energy Systems of the Body
RER Chart, Optimal Fat Burning Controversy, Accumulated Time in Exercise, RPE (Borg Ratings Chart)
Acidosis and Buffering
Cardiac Cycle Description
Sample Cardiac Output (Q) Calculations
EKG Rhythm Strip
Oxygen Deficit, EPOC, Lactate Formation, Lactate Threshold and Training Comments
Blood Flow Through Pulmonary and Systemic Circuits
Cardiovascular Responses and Adaptations to Aerobic Exercise
Rockport Walk Example Calculation of VO2max
Partial Pressures Calculation
Oxygen-hemoglobin Dissociation Curve & Borr Effect
Partial Pressures Values through the Body
Redox Potential
What is Periodization Training?
Wingate Muscular Power Laboratory
Fat and Carbohydrate Use in Physically Active Males and Females
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