Motor Unit Recruitment
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Motor Unit Recruitment is very dependent on FORCE production needs of the muscle and proceeds from the ‘smallest‘ motor units (Type I) to ‘largest’ motor units (Type IIa and then to Type IIb/x).Can You Explain Motor Unit Recruitment? Read more below from a former student and see if you can describe as well.
Motor units are recruited in the order of their size, from smallest (Type I) to largest (Type IIb/x) depending on the FORCE they must produce. For example, when you do light load resistance training a person is recruiting predominantly Type I (slow twitch) motor units. When the load is increased, the Type IIa (fast twitch oxidative and glycolytic fibers) will be recruited with the help of the Type I fibers. When the load becomes even greater, the Type IIb/x will be recruited for this very demanding force need placed on the muscle. At this point the Type IIb/x does the greatest force production with the assistance of the Type IIa and Type I fibers.

Robert Yang, Exercise Physiology Student, Spring 2003
The Motor Unit: What two different anatomical constituents compose a motor unit?
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