Miguel Santistevan

CE 547

Assignment #3

The projection used for this world map is called “The World from Space.”  The parameters are as follows:

                Projection:  Orthographic

                False_Easting:  0.0

                False_Northing:  0.0

                Longitude of Center:  -72.533

                Latitude of Center:  42.533

                Linear Unit:  meter


                Datum:  D_Sphere_ARC_INFO



                This is a map of the contiguous United States showing the Capital cities of each state.  The size of the symbol for the capitals show the relative population size.   The measuring tool was used to find the coordinates of three major cities as follows:


City, State

Albuquerque, NM

Denver, CO

Tucson, AZ










Next, the distance between Olympia , Washington and Augusta, Maine was calculated in unprojected and projected maps.  Without projection the distance was calculated to be 2530 miles, or 4217 kilometers.  Once projected into a USA Equal Albers projection, the distance from Olympia to Augusta was found to be 2547 miles, or 4245 kilometers.   Using the Attribute Table for the ‘cities’ layer, it was found that the most populous capital city is Phoenix, Arizona with a population of 1,321,045.  The least populated capitol city was found to be Helena, Montana with a population of 25,780.  Unfortunately the layer I was using did not have elevation data to discover the highest and lowest elevation cities.


This is an outline of New Mexico that was acquired through the Query Builder and subsequently projected in Albers with a central meridian of -106.  The projection parameters are listed below:



Projection: Albers

False_Easting: 0.000000

False_Northing: 0.000000

Central_Meridian: -106.000000

Standard_Parallel_1: 20.000000

Standard_Parallel_2: 60.000000

Latitude_Of_Origin: 40.000000

Linear Unit: Meter


Datum: D_North_American_1983