HPER:604 Research SeminarPre-requisites
PurposeTo assist the student in all aspects of preparing to propose their graduate thesis/dissertation research project. RationaleGraduate students require assistance in the development and writing of their research proposal. To promote uniformity in the style and format of the research proposal, a course is offered to assist the student and the student's research chair and committee. ObjectivesTo have written a quality research proposal for dissemination to the student's research committee in preparation for the formal oral proposal. Alliance With Program, Division and College MissionsThere is an increasing need to justify how academic courses "fit" within the theoretical framework of the college they are located within. Explanations of the College of Education Mission and Conceptual Framework are found within the College section of the UNM website. FormatThis course is taught by a combination of lecture, student-teacher discussion, and student presentations. Student involvement in the development of each other's research efforts is expected. Textbook and Other Required ItemsDue to the content of this course, it has always been difficult to find a suitable text. There is no assigned text for this course, but suitable texts do exists such as the one identified below.
Additional readings: Day RA. How to write and publish a scientific paper. 1994, ORYX Press, Phoenix, AZ, ISBN: 0897748646. Day RA. Scientific English: A guide for scientists and other professionals. 1992, ORYX Press, Phoenix, AZ, ISBN: 0897747224 Select UNM OGS publications and dissertation format documents from select programs will also be used. Where possible, I will link to these resources if they can be found on the UNM website. Otherwise, I will photocopy the documents and hand them out in class. You must;
AssessmentStudent assessment is based on the scores from,
To obtain class discussion credit, you need to be in class!! Furthermore, this course demands that you all function as a team, helping each other with constructive criticism and advice. Consequently, points will be lost from your grade at a rate of 11 points/unexcused absence, which equates to a 2% deduction in the total grade percentage for each absence. The point and percentage contribution of each assessment item is summarized in the table below.
Your final grade will simply be based on your percentage score of the 600 total assessment points. The grade letter and points distribution is provided in the table below.
Note that according to Department of Health, Exercise and Sports Sciences policy, a grade of C+ or worse is a failing grade at the graduate level.