The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Fall 2018 as of Census date: September 7, 2018
Campus: Main Campus -- College: ED-College of Education

  Three Year Fall Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
NUTR 120 L 002 Nutrition for Health *Holguin, Nancy TECH 220 T R 1230A - 145P 3 30 90 30.67 30.00 93.00
NUTR 244 L 001 Human Nutrition *Cerami, Jean UAEC B90 T R 1230A - 145P 3 55 165 54.67 55.00 164.00
NUTR 244 L 002 Human Nutrition *Porter-Bolton, Suza DSH 327 M W 430P - 545P 3 28 84 34.67 60.00 104.00
NUTR 244 L 004 Human Nutrition *Cohen, Deborah ECON 1002 T R 1100A - 1215A 3 54 162 53.33 55.00 160.00
NUTR 244 L 005 Human Nutrition *Euler, Renee TECH 140 T R 930A - 1045A 3 55 165 53.00 55.00 159.00
NUTR 244 L 006 Human Nutrition *Bader, Fallon EDUC 206 T R 200P - 315P 3 23 69 16.00 26.67 48.00
NUTR 320 U 003 Methods in Nutrition Education *Coakley, Kathryn UAEC B90 T R 930A - 1045A 3 39 117 45.33 63.00 136.00
NUTR 321 U 001 Management in Dietetics *Luffey, Deborah 1 ARR . TECH 140 R 1100A - 1215A 3 24 72 35.67 42.67 107.00
  Hybrid Course 1.5 hrs taken online.                
NUTR 344 U 002 Energy Nutrients Human Nutr *Coakley, Kathryn EDUC 103 T R 1230A - 145P 3 73 219 76.33 148.00 229.00
NUTR 424 U 001 Nutrition Life Cycle *Gonzales-Pacheco, D TECH 140 T R 200P - 315P 3 37 111 46.00 46.67 138.00
NUTR 427 U 001 Med Nutr Ther I *Luffey, Deborah TECH 140 T R 1230A - 145P 3 35 105 35.67 35.00 107.00
NUTR 528 M 002 Adv Med Nutr Therapy *Cerami, Jean TECH 220 M 900A - 1145A 3 10 30 12.00 14.00 36.00
NUTR 535 M 002 Seminar in Nutrition *Smith, Bryn EDUC 201 M 800A - 1030A 3 8 24 2.67 8.33 8.00
NUTR 550 M 001 Applied Dietetics Practice *Gonzales-Pacheco, D ARR . 3 8 24 7.67 14.00 23.00
NUTR 591 M 001 Problems *Cohen, Deborah ARR . V 3 3 4.00 10.00 6.00
NUTR 591 M 005 Problems *Pribis, Peter ARR . V 2 2 3.33 25.00 4.67
NUTR 593 M 001 T: Nutr Research Methods *Cohen, Deborah TECH 190 M 100P - 330P 3 10 30 11.33 12.00 34.00
NUTR 593 M 002 T: Culinary Medicine *Cohen, Deborah JOHNS 124 M 900A - 100P 1 7 7 5.33 15.33 11.33
  09/17/2018 - 10/15/2018                
NUTR 595 M 001 Adv Fld Experiences *Cohen, Deborah ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
NUTR 595 M 003 Adv Fld Experiences *Cerami, Jean ARR . 3 8 24 2.67 8.33 8.00
  08/01/2018 - 12/15/2018                
NUTR 599 M 002 Master's Thesis *Cohen, Deborah ARR . V 3 6 2.00 25.00 4.33
          513 1,512 532.67 774.00 1,581.33