The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Fall 2020 as of Census date: September 4, 2020
Campus: Main Campus -- College: UC-University College

  Three Year Fall Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
WR 571 M 003 Water Resour I Contemp Issues *Berrens, Robert DSH 225 R 400P - 615P UNM LEAR T 400P - 615P 4 11 44 10.67 19.33 42.67
  XL: ABQ-ECON546                
  WR home 202080                
WR 573 M 001 Water Resour III: Field Prob *Bixby, Rebecca; Webb, Ryan ARR . 4 10 40 3.33 6.67 13.33
WR 598 M 005 Professional Project *Crossey, Laura ARR . V 1 1 1.33 20.00 1.33
WR 598 M 012 Professional Project *Thomson, Bruce ARR . V 1 1 0.33 20.00 0.33
WR 598 M 021 Professional Project *Bixby, Rebecca ARR . V 1 1 1.33 10.00 1.67
WR 598 M 022 Professional Project *Stone, Mark ARR . V 1 3 0.67 10.00 2.00
WR 598 M 027 Professional Project *Wang, Jingjing ARR . V 1 1 0.33 10.00 0.33
WR 598 M 028 Professional Project *Fleck, John ARR . V 1 1 1.33 10.00 1.33
          27 92 19.33 106.00 63.00