The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Fall 2020 as of Census date: September 4, 2020
Campus: Valencia Campus -- College: AD-Associate Degree

  Three Year Fall Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
GAME 101 L 501 Intro to Game Development *Burch, Ian VAONL 1 . - . 3 12 36 9.67 14.67 29.00
GAME 120 L 501 Game Testing *Burch, Ian VAONL 1 . - . 3 11 33 8.33 14.67 25.00
GAME 125 L 501 Modeling and Animation *Brown, Michael VAONL 1 . - . 3 6 18 2.00 10.00 6.00
GAME 130 L 501 Digital Imaging Techniques *Brown, Michael VAONL 1 . - . 3 3 9 1.00 10.00 3.00
GAME 160 L 501 Game Engine Scripting *Burch, Ian VAONL 1 . - . 3 6 18 2.00 8.00 6.00
GAME 250 L 501 Character & Creature Modeling *Burch, Ian VAONL 1 . - . 4 9 36 8.67 14.67 34.67
GAME 296 L 501 Capstone Production Portfolio *Burch, Ian VAONL 1 . - . 3 1 3 1.00 2.33 3.00
          48 153 32.67 74.33 106.67