The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Fall 2020 as of Census date: September 4, 2020
Campus: Valencia Campus -- College: AS-College of Arts and Sciences

  Three Year Fall Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
SOCI 1110 L 501 Intro Sociology  *Thompson, Barbara VAONL 1 . - . 3 19 57 14.00 23.33 42.00
SOCI 1110 L 502 Intro Sociology  *So, Julia VAONL 1 . - . 3 17 51 12.33 23.33 37.00
SOCI 2120 L 501 Intro Criminal Justice Sys *Baker, Jeremy VAONL 1 . - . 3 13 39 10.00 16.33 30.00
  XL: VA-CJUS1110                
SOCI 2210 L 501 Sociology of Deviance *Gadberry, James VAONL 1 . - . 3 12 36 11.00 15.00 33.00
  XL: VA-CJUS1170                
SOCI 2310 L 501 Contemporary Social Problems *Thompson, Barbara VAONL 1 . - . 3 16 48 7.33 20.00 22.00
SOCI 2315 L 501 The Dynamics of Prejudice *So, Julia VAONL 1 . - . 3 6 18 5.67 23.33 17.00
          83 249 60.33 121.33 181.00