The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Spring 2021 as of Census date: February 5, 2021
Campus: Main Campus -- College: AS-College of Arts and Sciences

  Three Year Spring Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
BIOL 1110 L 100 General Biology *Witt, Satya 1 ARR . 3 134 402 87.00 133.33 261.00
BIOL 1110L L 001 General Biology Lab *Witt, Satya; Takano, Oona UNM LEAR - 1 35 35 18.67 20.00 18.67
BIOL 1110L L 002 General Biology Lab *Witt, Satya; Takano, Oona UNM LEAR - 1 28 28 16.33 18.67 16.33
BIOL 1110L L 003 General Biology Lab *Witt, Satya; Takano, Oona UNM LEAR - 1 28 28 17.00 17.33 17.00
BIOL 1140 L 002 Biology for Health Sciences *Buckholz, Kimran UNM LEAR - 3 94 282 57.00 66.67 171.00
BIOL 1140 L 003 Biology for Health Sciences *Kennedy, Thomas UNM LEAR - 3 97 291 60.33 66.67 181.00
BIOL 1140 L 005 Biology for Health Sciences *Buckholz, Kimran UNM LEAR - 3 50 150 55.00 80.00 165.00
BIOL 1140 L 100 Biology for Health Sciences *Buckholz, Kimran 1 ARR . 3 16 48 28.33 80.00 85.00
BIOL 1140L L 001 Biology Health Sciences Lab *Witt, Satya; Rowland, Eve UNM LEAR - 1 23 23 14.67 16.00 14.67
BIOL 1140L L 002 Biology Health Sciences Lab *Witt, Satya; Rowland, Eve UNM LEAR - 1 23 23 15.67 16.00 15.67
BIOL 1140L L 003 Biology Health Sciences Lab *Witt, Satya; Rowland, Eve UNM LEAR - 1 24 24 16.00 16.00 16.00
BIOL 1140L L 004 Biology Health Sciences Lab *Witt, Satya; Yogi, Purbendra UNM LEAR - 1 23 23 15.00 16.00 15.00
BIOL 1140L L 005 Biology Health Sciences Lab *Witt, Satya; Yogi, Purbendra UNM LEAR - 1 24 24 16.00 16.00 16.00
BIOL 1140L L 006 Biology Health Sciences Lab *Witt, Satya; Yogi, Purbendra UNM LEAR - 1 24 24 15.67 16.00 15.67
BIOL 1140L L 007 Biology Health Sciences Lab *Witt, Satya; Wainwright, Brooke UNM LEAR - 1 23 23 15.33 16.00 15.33
BIOL 1140L L 009 Biology Health Sciences Lab *Witt, Satya; Wainwright, Brooke UNM LEAR - 1 24 24 14.67 16.00 14.67
BIOL 1140L L 010 Biology Health Sciences Lab *Witt, Satya; Wainwright, Brooke UNM LEAR - 1 21 21 15.00 16.00 15.00
BIOL 1140L L 011 Biology Health Sciences Lab *Witt, Satya; Weinbaum, Ola UNM LEAR - 1 21 21 15.00 16.00 15.00
BIOL 1140L L 017 Biology Health Sciences Lab *Witt, Satya; Weinbaum, Ola UNM LEAR - 1 13 13 7.33 16.00 7.33
BIOL 1150 L 001 Biodiversity *Andersen, Michael UNM LEAR - 3 55 165 34.33 66.67 103.00
BIOL 2110C L 003 Cellular & Molecular Biology  *Michelsohn, Moses; Kennedy, Thomas; Bahmani, Maryam UNM LEAR - 4 24 96 15.33 16.00 61.33
BIOL 2110C L 004 Cellular & Molecular Biology  *Johnston, Christoph; Michelsohn, Moses; Cutillas, Vincent UNM LEAR - UNM LEAR T R 1230A - 145P 4 24 96 16.00 16.00 64.00
BIOL 2110C L 005 Cellular & Molecular Biology  *Johnston, Christoph; Michelsohn, Moses; Cutillas, Vincent UNM LEAR - UNM LEAR T R 1230A - 145P 4 22 88 15.33 16.00 61.33
BIOL 2110C L 006 Cellular & Molecular Biology  *Michelsohn, Moses; Scholl, Dorothy; Bahmani, Maryam UNM LEAR - 4 23 92 15.67 16.00 62.67
BIOL 2110C L 007 Cellular & Molecular Biology  *Michelsohn, Moses; Kennedy, Thomas; Bahmani, Maryam UNM LEAR - 4 24 96 16.00 16.00 64.00
BIOL 2110C L 008 Cellular & Molecular Biology  *Michelsohn, Moses; Scholl, Dorothy; Britton, Taylor UNM LEAR - 4 23 92 15.67 16.00 62.67
BIOL 2110C L 009 Cellular & Molecular Biology  *Michelsohn, Moses; Scholl, Dorothy; Britton, Taylor UNM LEAR - 4 21 84 13.33 16.00 53.33
BIOL 2110C L 010 Cellular & Molecular Biology  *Michelsohn, Moses; Kennedy, Thomas; Britton, Taylor UNM LEAR - 4 24 96 14.33 16.00 57.33
BIOL 2110C L 012 Cellular & Molecular Biology  *Michelsohn, Moses; Scholl, Dorothy; Paudel, Praveen UNM LEAR - 4 23 92 15.33 16.00 61.33
BIOL 2110C L 013 Cellular & Molecular Biology  *Michelsohn, Moses; Kennedy, Thomas; Paudel, Praveen UNM LEAR - 4 24 96 13.67 16.00 54.67
BIOL 2110C L 014 Cellular & Molecular Biology  *Michelsohn, Moses; Kennedy, Thomas; Paudel, Praveen UNM LEAR - 4 8 32 6.67 16.00 26.67
BIOL 2110C L 015 Cellular & Molecular Biology  *Michelsohn, Moses; Scholl, Dorothy; Paudel, Praveen UNM LEAR - 4 9 36 7.33 16.00 29.33
BIOL 2110C L 016 Cellular & Molecular Biology  *Michelsohn, Moses; Kennedy, Thomas; Paudel, Praveen UNM LEAR - 4 3 12 7.00 16.00 28.00
BIOL 2110C L 017 Cellular & Molecular Biology  *Michelsohn, Moses; Kennedy, Thomas; Paudel, Praveen UNM LEAR - 4 1 4 4.33 16.00 17.33
BIOL 2210 L 001 Human Anatomy & Physiology I *Scholl, Dorothy UNM LEAR - 3 189 567 124.33 130.67 373.00
BIOL 2210 L 002 Human Anatomy & Physiology I *Scholl, Dorothy UNM LEAR - 3 76 228 45.33 66.67 136.00
BIOL 2210L L 001 Human Anatomy & Phys I Lab *Bettinelli, Julieta; Turnley, Benjamin UNM LEAR - 1 24 24 16.00 16.00 16.00
BIOL 2210L L 002 Human Anatomy & Phys I Lab *Bettinelli, Julieta; Turnley, Benjamin UNM LEAR - 1 24 24 16.00 16.00 16.00
BIOL 2210L L 003 Human Anatomy & Phys I Lab *Bettinelli, Julieta; Loughran, Caleb UNM LEAR - 1 24 24 15.67 16.00 15.67
BIOL 2210L L 005 Human Anatomy & Phys I Lab *Bettinelli, Julieta; Loughran, Caleb UNM LEAR - 1 22 22 15.33 16.00 15.33
BIOL 2210L L 006 Human Anatomy & Phys I Lab *Bettinelli, Julieta; Anderson, Christophe UNM LEAR - 1 24 24 15.67 16.00 15.67
BIOL 2210L L 007 Human Anatomy & Phys I Lab *Bettinelli, Julieta; Anderson, Christophe UNM LEAR - 1 23 23 15.67 16.00 15.67
BIOL 2225 L 001 Human Anatomy & Physiology II *Liebrecht, Amanda UNM LEAR - 3 179 537 104.33 118.00 313.00
BIOL 2225 L 002 Human Anatomy & Physiology II *Liebrecht, Amanda UNM LEAR - 3 128 384 83.67 84.67 251.00
BIOL 2225L L 001 Human Anatomy & Phys II Lab *Bettinelli, Julieta; Oliver, Kristen UNM LEAR - 1 24 24 16.00 16.00 16.00
BIOL 2225L L 002 Human Anatomy & Phys II Lab *Bettinelli, Julieta; Oliver, Kristen UNM LEAR - 1 21 21 15.00 16.00 15.00
BIOL 2225L L 003 Human Anatomy & Phys II Lab *Bettinelli, Julieta; Hedberg, Carson UNM LEAR - 1 21 21 14.00 16.00 14.00
BIOL 2225L L 004 Human Anatomy & Phys II Lab *Bettinelli, Julieta; Hedberg, Carson UNM LEAR - 1 23 23 15.33 16.00 15.33
BIOL 2225L L 005 Human Anatomy & Phys II Lab *Bettinelli, Julieta; Ramirez, Richard UNM LEAR - 1 21 21 13.67 16.00 13.67
BIOL 2225L L 006 Human Anatomy & Phys II Lab *Bettinelli, Julieta; Ramirez, Richard UNM LEAR - 1 22 22 7.33 8.00 7.33
BIOL 2305 L 001 Microbiology for Health Sci *Hanelt, Ben; Caimi, Nicole; Pittis, Anastasia UNM LEAR - 4 23 92 15.67 16.00 62.67
BIOL 2305 L 002 Microbiology for Health Sci *Hanelt, Ben; Caimi, Nicole; Pittis, Anastasia UNM LEAR - 4 25 100 16.67 16.00 66.67
BIOL 2305 L 004 Microbiology for Health Sci *Hanelt, Ben; Caimi, Nicole; Pittis, Anastasia UNM LEAR - 4 24 96 15.67 16.00 62.67
BIOL 2305 L 005 Microbiology for Health Sci *Hanelt, Ben; Caimi, Nicole; Mertz, Conner UNM LEAR - 4 23 92 15.67 16.00 62.67
BIOL 2305 L 006 Microbiology for Health Sci *Hanelt, Ben; Caimi, Nicole; Mertz, Conner UNM LEAR - 4 24 96 15.33 16.00 61.33
BIOL 2305 L 007 Microbiology for Health Sci *Hanelt, Ben; Caimi, Nicole; Hughes, Daniel UNM LEAR - 4 25 100 12.33 16.00 49.33
BIOL 2305 L 008 Microbiology for Health Sci *Hanelt, Ben; Caimi, Nicole; Hughes, Daniel UNM LEAR - 4 24 96 8.00 8.00 32.00
BIOL 2305 L 010 Microbiology for Health Sci *Hanelt, Ben; Caimi, Nicole; Hughes, Daniel UNM LEAR - 4 24 96 15.67 16.00 62.67
BIOL 2410C L 003 Genetics *Michelsohn, Moses; Howe, Kelly; Blevins, Christina; Joo, Qussin UNM LEAR - 4 24 96 15.33 16.00 61.33
BIOL 2410C L 004 Genetics *Michelsohn, Moses; Howe, Kelly; Blevins, Christina; Joo, Qussin UNM LEAR - 4 24 96 15.67 16.00 62.67
BIOL 2410C L 005 Genetics *Michelsohn, Moses; Howe, Kelly; Blevins, Christina; Joo, Qussin UNM LEAR - 4 24 96 16.00 16.00 64.00
BIOL 2410C L 006 Genetics *Michelsohn, Moses; Howe, Kelly; Joo, Qussin; Wani, Adil UNM LEAR - 4 24 96 15.67 16.00 62.67
BIOL 2410C L 007 Genetics *Michelsohn, Moses; Howe, Kelly; Joo, Qussin; Wani, Adil UNM LEAR - 4 25 100 16.33 16.00 65.33
BIOL 2410C L 009 Genetics *Michelsohn, Moses; Howe, Kelly; Joo, Qussin; Wani, Adil UNM LEAR - 4 24 96 14.33 16.00 57.33
BIOL 2410C L 010 Genetics *Michelsohn, Moses; Howe, Kelly; Lane, Ingrid; Joo, Qussin UNM LEAR - 4 24 96 15.00 16.00 60.00
BIOL 2410C L 013 Genetics *Michelsohn, Moses; Howe, Kelly; Lane, Ingrid; Joo, Qussin UNM LEAR - 4 22 88 15.33 16.00 61.33
BIOL 303 U 001 Ecology & Evolution *Rudgers, Jennifer; Michelsohn, Moses; Whitney, Kenneth UNM LEAR T R 1230A - 145P 3 92 276 80.67 130.00 242.00
BIOL 303 U 002 Ecology & Evolution *Rudgers, Jennifer; Michelsohn, Moses; Whitney, Kenneth UNM LEAR M W 200P - 315P 3 41 123 59.67 105.00 179.00
BIOL 303L U 003 Ecology & Evolution Lab *Michelsohn, Moses; Londono Gaviria, Man UNM LEAR - 1 23 23 20.00 24.67 20.00
BIOL 303L U 004 Ecology & Evolution Lab *Michelsohn, Moses; Londono Gaviria, Man UNM LEAR - 1 23 23 23.00 24.67 23.00
BIOL 303L U 005 Ecology & Evolution Lab *Michelsohn, Moses; May, Carolina UNM LEAR - 1 26 26 24.33 24.67 24.33
BIOL 303L U 007 Ecology & Evolution Lab *Michelsohn, Moses; May, Carolina UNM LEAR - 1 25 25 24.00 24.67 24.00
BIOL 303L U 008 Ecology & Evolution Lab *Michelsohn, Moses; Allen, Maya UNM LEAR - 1 24 24 23.67 24.67 23.67
BIOL 303L U 009 Ecology & Evolution Lab *Michelsohn, Moses; Allen, Maya UNM LEAR - 1 26 26 15.33 24.67 15.33
BIOL 304 U 001 Plant Animal Form & Function *Litvak, Marcy; Barrow, Lisa UNM LEAR T R 1100A - 1215A 3 125 375 96.67 108.67 290.00
BIOL 304 U 002 Plant Animal Form & Function *Litvak, Marcy; Barrow, Lisa UNM LEAR T R 200P - 315P 3 50 150 77.33 119.00 232.00
BIOL 304L U 003 Plant Animal Form & Func Lab *Michelsohn, Moses; Pauer, Erica UNM LEAR - 1 22 22 21.33 20.67 21.33
BIOL 304L U 004 Plant Animal Form & Func Lab *Michelsohn, Moses; Pauer, Erica UNM LEAR - 1 21 21 22.00 20.67 22.00
BIOL 304L U 005 Plant Animal Form & Func Lab *Michelsohn, Moses; Roper, Theodore UNM LEAR - 1 22 22 21.67 20.67 21.67
BIOL 304L U 006 Plant Animal Form & Func Lab *Michelsohn, Moses; Roper, Theodore UNM LEAR - 1 22 22 18.00 20.67 18.00
BIOL 304L U 007 Plant Animal Form & Func Lab *Michelsohn, Moses; Mullin, Robert UNM LEAR - 1 22 22 21.00 20.67 21.00
BIOL 304L U 008 Plant Animal Form & Func Lab *Michelsohn, Moses UNM LEAR - 1 13 13 9.67 13.33 9.67
BIOL 304L U 009 Plant Animal Form & Func Lab *Michelsohn, Moses; Mullin, Robert UNM LEAR - 1 22 22 21.00 20.67 21.00
BIOL 304L U 010 Plant Animal Form & Func Lab *Michelsohn, Moses; Schulze, Ryan UNM LEAR - 1 22 22 18.33 20.67 18.33
BIOL 351 U 001 General Microbiology *Martinson, Vincent UNM LEAR - 3 97 291 99.00 125.33 297.00
BIOL 352L U 002 General Microbiology Lab *Martinson, Vincent; Caimi, Nicole; Reynebeau, Emily; Robinson, David UNM LEAR - 1 24 24 21.00 24.00 21.00
BIOL 352L U 003 General Microbiology Lab *Martinson, Vincent; Caimi, Nicole; Reynebeau, Emily; Robinson, David UNM LEAR - 1 23 23 15.00 24.00 15.00
BIOL 352L U 004 General Microbiology Lab *Martinson, Vincent; Caimi, Nicole; Reynebeau, Emily; Robinson, David UNM LEAR - 1 23 23 23.33 24.00 23.33
BIOL 352L U 005 General Microbiology Lab *Martinson, Vincent; Caimi, Nicole; Reynebeau, Emily; Robinson, David UNM LEAR - 1 20 20 18.67 24.00 18.67
BIOL 352L U 006 General Microbiology Lab *Martinson, Vincent; Caimi, Nicole; Reynebeau, Emily; Robinson, David UNM LEAR - 1 7 7 18.00 24.00 18.00
BIOL 379 U 001 Conservation Biology *Cook, Joseph UNM LEAR T R 800A - 915A 3 21 63 26.00 38.67 78.00
BIOL 386L U 002 General Vertebrate Zoology *Turner, Thomas UNM LEAR T R 930A - 1045A CAST 53 M 1000A - 100P 4 12 48 4.00 4.00 16.00
BIOL 386L U 003 General Vertebrate Zoology *Turner, Thomas UNM LEAR T R 930A - 1045A CAST 53 M 300P - 600P 4 12 48 20.33 20.00 81.33
BIOL 400 U 004 Senior Honors Thesis *Rudgers, Jennifer ARR . V 1 3 2.00 25.00 4.00
BIOL 400 U 005 Senior Honors Thesis *Salinas, Irene ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
BIOL 400 U 008 Senior Honors Thesis *Gulisija, Davorka ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
BIOL 400 U 014 Senior Honors Thesis *Litvak, Marcy ARR . V 1 3 0.67 25.00 2.00
BIOL 400 U 029 Senior Honors Thesis *Takacs, Cristina ARR . V 1 2 1.33 25.00 3.00
BIOL 401 U 001 T: Invertebrate Immunology *Adema, Coenraad UNM LEAR T R 930A - 1045A 3 24 72 8.00 16.67 24.00
BIOL 402 U 001 T: Brown Bag Research Seminar *Michelsohn, Moses UNM LEAR W 1200A - 1250A 1 29 29 31.67 43.33 31.67
BIOL 402 U 008 T: Making a MARC in Biomed Res *Takacs, Cristina; Canavan, Heather ARR . 1 10 10 8.33 10.00 8.33
BIOL 402 U 009 T: Immunology Discussion *Salinas, Irene UNM LEAR - 1 1 1 1.67 10.00 1.67
BIOL 402 U 018 T: Comp Evolution & Genetics *Gulisija, Davorka UNM LEAR - V 2 3 0.67 1.33 1.00
BIOL 402 U 026 T: Herpetology Collection Res *Giermakowski, Jacek ARR . 1 1 1 2.00 10.00 2.00
BIOL 402 U 028 T: SEV Data Analysis *Rudgers, Jennifer ARR . 1 1 1 4.33 8.33 4.33
BIOL 402 U 029 T: Fungal Biology *Natvig, Donald; Taylor, Donald; Rudgers, Jennifer ARR . 1 2 2 0.67 10.00 0.67
BIOL 402 U 033 T: Developmental Neurobiology *Syed, Mubarak Hussa ARR . 1 1 1 0.33 6.67 0.33
BIOL 404 U 001 T: Disease-Aquatic Organisms *Salinas, Irene UNM LEAR M W 200P - 315P 3 15 45 9.00 13.33 27.00
BIOL 406 U 001 T: Concepts in Parasitology *Hanelt, Ben UNM LEAR M W F 900A - 950A 3 42 126 31.67 39.00 95.00
BIOL 406 U 002 T: Plants & People *Marx, Hannah UNM LEAR - 3 16 48 10.00 18.67 30.00
BIOL 406 U 003 T: Plants and People *Marx, Hannah UNM LEAR - 3 15 45 11.33 13.00 40.33
BIOL 406 U 005 T: Emerging Model Organisms *Martinson, Ellen UNM LEAR M W 900A - 1015A 3 19 57 6.33 8.33 19.00
BIOL 408L U 001 Bosque Internship *Eichhorst, Kim; Fike, Kimberly; Kruse, Audrey CAST 53 T 400P - 600P UNM LEAR T 400P - 600P 3 18 54 21.67 22.00 65.00
BIOL 409 U 001 T: Principles of Ecology *Collins, Scott UNM LEAR T R 200P - 315P 3 32 96 19.67 26.67 59.00
BIOL 413 U 001 Human Microanatomy *Stricker, Stephen UNM LEAR T R 1100A - 1215A 3 51 153 17.00 16.67 51.00
BIOL 419 U 001 T: Cannabis Health Research *Vigil, Jacob UNM LEAR M W F 1200A - 1250A 3 5 15 6.67 9.33 20.00
  XL: ABQ-PSY450: ABQ-PSY650: ABQ-ANTH450                
  PSY home 202110                
BIOL 419 U 002 T: Writing in Natural Sciences *Engberg, Julianne; Takacs, Cristina UNM LEAR - 3 13 39 8.67 10.67 26.00
BIOL 419 U 003 T: Bio Art and Design *Polli, Andrea UNM LEAR - 3 2 6 1.67 2.00 5.00
  XL: ABQ-ARTS429: ABQ-ARTS529: ABQ-ARTS389: ABQ-SUST402: ABQ-                
  ARTS home 202110                
BIOL 419 U 004 T: Evolution of Religiosity *Watson, Paul UNM LEAR T R 1100A - 1215A 3 18 54 19.67 7.00 59.00
  XL: ABQ-PCST340: ABQ-RELG447: ABQ-PSY450                
  BIOL home 202110                
BIOL 419 U 005 T: Data Science for Biology *Gulisija, Davorka UNM LEAR - 3 11 33 8.00 14.67 24.00
BIOL 419 U 007 T: Plants, Energy, Environ Bio *Hanson, David UNM LEAR M W 200P - 315P 3 9 27 3.00 5.00 9.00
BIOL 445 U 001 Biology of Toxins *Toolson, Eric UNM LEAR W 400P - 700P 3 49 147 79.00 81.33 237.00
BIOL 456 U 001 Immunology *Miller, Robert UNM LEAR T R 800A - 915A 3 120 360 122.00 138.33 366.00
BIOL 457 U 002 Animal Sexual Strategies *Miller, Kelly UNM LEAR - 3 85 255 45.67 60.00 137.00
BIOL 484 U 001 Biology of Fungi *Natvig, Donald UNM LEAR W 1000A - 1110A CAST 41 M F 1000A - 1110A CAST 43 M F 1000A - 1110A 4 16 64 24.00 22.33 96.00
BIOL 494 U 001 Biogeography *Smith, Felisa UNM LEAR T R 1100A - 1215A 3 18 54 6.00 6.67 18.00
BIOL 497 U 001 Principles of Gene Expression *Howe, Kelly UNM LEAR - 3 46 138 15.33 11.67 46.00
BIOL 499 U 001 Undergraduate Problems *Miller, Robert ARR . V 1 3 0.67 16.67 1.33
BIOL 499 U 007 Undergraduate Problems *Cook, Joseph ARR . V 1 3 1.00 25.00 2.33
BIOL 499 U 009 Undergraduate Problems *Syed, Mubarak Hussa ARR . V 1 1 1.33 25.00 2.00
BIOL 499 U 020 Undergraduate Problems *Martinson, Ellen ARR . V 1 2 0.33 25.00 0.67
BIOL 499 U 026 Undergraduate Problems *Smith, Felisa ARR . V 2 2 0.67 25.00 0.67
BIOL 499 U 058 Undergraduate Problems *Watson, Paul ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
BIOL 502 M 001 T: Brown Bag Research Seminar *Michelsohn, Moses UNM LEAR W 1200A - 1250A 1 4 4 5.67 30.00 5.67
BIOL 502 M 002 T: Invert Immunoparasitology *Adema, Coenraad ARR . 1 1 1 1.00 10.00 1.00
BIOL 502 M 004 T: Aridland Ecology *Collins, Scott ARR . 1 6 6 5.00 10.00 5.00
BIOL 502 M 005 T: Ecosystems Ecology *Litvak, Marcy ARR . 1 3 3 2.00 10.00 2.00
BIOL 502 M 008 T: Systematics Discusn Group *Andersen, Michael ARR . 1 1 1 0.67 10.00 0.67
BIOL 502 M 009 T: Immunology Discussion *Salinas, Irene UNM LEAR - 1 1 1 0.67 10.00 0.67
BIOL 502 M 010 T: Global Change & Forests *Hurteau, Matthew ARR . 1 3 3 1.67 10.00 1.67
BIOL 502 M 011 T: Evoltnary Ecol of Mutalism *Rudgers, Jennifer ARR . 1 3 3 1.00 6.67 1.00
BIOL 502 M 013 T: Ecological Genetics *Whitney, Kenneth ARR . 1 4 4 3.33 6.67 3.33
BIOL 502 M 018 T: Comp Evolution & Genetics *Gulisija, Davorka UNM LEAR - V 3 9 5.00 5.67 7.00
BIOL 502 M 019 T: Math-Theory Ecology *Wearing, Helen ARR . 1 1 1 2.00 10.00 2.00
BIOL 502 M 020 T: Immunology Letters *Miller, Robert ARR . 1 2 2 1.33 6.67 1.33
BIOL 502 M 021 T: Stakeholder Driven Research *Webster, Alexandra; Litvak, Marcy UNM LEAR - 1 7 7 4.00 10.00 4.00
  XL: ABQ-EPS545: ABQ-GEOG499                
  BIOL home 202110                
BIOL 502 M 022 T: Data Mgmt for Ecologists *Wheeler, Jonathan; Vanderbilt, Kristin UNM LEAR M 1000A - 1230A 1 6 6 2.00 3.33 2.00
BIOL 502 M 024 T: Ecol and Evol of Fishes *Turner, Thomas ARR . 1 4 4 1.33 8.33 1.33
BIOL 502 M 026 T: Herpetology Collection Res *Giermakowski, Jacek ARR . 1 1 1 0.33 15.00 0.33
BIOL 502 M 027 T: Insect Symbiosis & Genomics *Martinson, Ellen UNM LEAR - V 1 1 3.00 10.00 3.00
BIOL 502 M 028 T: SEV Data Analysis *Rudgers, Jennifer ARR . 1 9 9 6.00 6.67 6.00
BIOL 502 M 029 T: Fungal Biology *Natvig, Donald; Taylor, Donald; Rudgers, Jennifer ARR . 1 1 1 2.00 10.00 2.00
BIOL 502 M 030 T: Paleoecology-Macroecology *Smith, Felisa UNM LEAR F 330P - 430P 1 3 3 1.33 3.33 1.33
BIOL 502 M 033 T: Developmental Neurobiology *Syed, Mubarak Hussa ARR . 1 2 2 1.00 6.67 1.00
BIOL 502 M 034 T: SEV Data Analysis *Rudgers, Jennifer ARR . 1 1 1 0.33 0.33 0.33
BIOL 502 M 038 T: Mammal Sci Prep II *Cook, Joseph ARR . V 3 4 1.67 10.00 3.33
BIOL 502 M 044 T: Current Lit in Microecology *Takacs, Cristina ARR . V 1 3 1.00 10.00 2.33
BIOL 502 M 045 T: Molecular Systematic Disc *Witt, Christopher ARR . 1 1 1 1.00 10.00 1.00
BIOL 502 M 053 T: Museomics *Cook, Joseph ARR . V 2 2 1.67 10.00 1.67
BIOL 504 M 001 T: Diseases-Aquatic Organisms *Salinas, Irene UNM LEAR M W 200P - 315P 3 1 3 2.00 3.33 6.00
BIOL 508L M 001 Bosque Internship *Eichhorst, Kim; Fike, Kimberly; Kruse, Audrey CAST 53 T 400P - 600P UNM LEAR T 400P - 600P 3 2 6 1.67 2.67 5.00
BIOL 509 M 001 T: Principles of Ecology *Collins, Scott UNM LEAR T R 200P - 315P 3 6 18 4.00 10.00 12.00
BIOL 519 M 001 T: Genome Tech&Bioinformat *Edwards, Jeremy UNM LEAR T R 330P - 445P 3 5 15 8.33 15.00 25.00
  XL: ABQ-CHEM587                
  CHEM home 202110                
BIOL 519 M 002 T: Writing in Natural Sciences *Engberg, Julianne; Takacs, Cristina UNM LEAR - 3 1 3 1.00 4.00 3.00
BIOL 519 M 003 T: Bio Art and Design *Polli, Andrea UNM LEAR - 3 2 6 1.33 2.00 4.00
  XL: ABQ-ARTS429: ABQ-ARTS529: ABQ-ARTS389: ABQ-SUST402: ABQ-                
  ARTS home 202110                
BIOL 519 M 004 T: Evolution of Religiosity *Watson, Paul UNM LEAR T R 1100A - 1215A 3 3 9 1.33 4.00 4.00
  XL: ABQ-PCST340: ABQ-RELG447: ABQ-PSY450                
  BIOL home 202110                
BIOL 519 M 005 T: Data Science for Biology *Gulisija, Davorka UNM LEAR - 3 20 60 7.67 8.33 23.00
BIOL 519 M 007 T: Plants, Energy, Environ Bio *Hanson, David UNM LEAR M W 200P - 315P 3 4 12 1.33 3.33 4.00
BIOL 545 M 001 Biology of Toxins *Toolson, Eric UNM LEAR W 400P - 700P 3 5 15 3.67 5.33 11.00
BIOL 551 M 001 Research Problems *Adema, Coenraad ARR . V 1 2 1.00 25.00 3.67
BIOL 551 M 004 Research Problems *Andersen, Michael ARR . V 2 8 2.33 25.00 7.00
BIOL 551 M 006 Research Problems *Collins, Scott ARR . V 1 3 0.67 25.00 2.00
BIOL 551 M 007 Research Problems *Cook, Joseph ARR . V 1 4 2.00 25.00 5.33
BIOL 551 M 009 Research Problems *Eichhorst, Kim ARR . V 1 2 0.33 25.00 0.67
BIOL 551 M 014 Research Problems *Litvak, Marcy ARR . V 1 4 1.00 25.00 2.33
BIOL 551 M 019 Research Problems *Miller, Robert ARR . V 1 5 0.67 25.00 2.33
BIOL 551 M 021 Research Problems *Natvig, Donald ARR . V 1 5 0.67 25.00 3.67
BIOL 551 M 022 Research Problems *Whitney, Kenneth ARR . V 1 1 1.67 25.00 5.67
BIOL 551 M 023 Research Problems *Pockman, William ARR . V 1 6 1.00 25.00 4.33
BIOL 551 M 024 Research Problems *Poe, Steven ARR . V 1 6 1.00 25.00 6.00
BIOL 551 M 026 Research Problems *Smith, Felisa ARR . V 2 8 1.67 25.00 4.33
BIOL 551 M 027 Research Problems *Syed, Mubarak Hussa ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
BIOL 551 M 029 Research Problems *Takacs, Cristina ARR . V 1 3 1.33 25.00 4.00
BIOL 551 M 032 Research Problems *Turner, Thomas ARR . V 2 10 2.33 25.00 10.33
BIOL 551 M 035 Research Problems *Witt, Christopher ARR . V 2 5 3.33 25.00 13.00
BIOL 551 M 036 Research Problems *Wolf, Blair ARR . V 3 9 3.33 25.00 11.33
BIOL 551 M 037 Research Problems *Salinas, Irene ARR . V 1 2 0.67 25.00 2.67
BIOL 551 M 040 Research Problems *Wearing, Helen ARR . V 1 5 0.67 10.00 2.33
BIOL 551 M 042 Research Problems *Taylor, Donald ARR . V 4 23 3.00 25.00 15.33
BIOL 551 M 043 Research Problems *Newsome, Seth ARR . V 3 6 1.67 25.00 3.33
BIOL 551 M 056 Research Problems *Rudgers, Jennifer ARR . V 5 17 2.00 25.00 6.33
BIOL 551 M 057 Research Problems *Johnston, Christoph ARR . V 1 6 1.00 25.00 3.33
BIOL 556 M 001 Immunology *Miller, Robert UNM LEAR T R 800A - 915A 3 3 9 1.33 6.67 4.00
BIOL 557 M 002 Animal Sexual Strategies *Miller, Kelly UNM LEAR - 3 3 9 1.67 3.33 5.00
BIOL 584 M 001 Biology of Fungi *Natvig, Donald UNM LEAR W 1000A - 1110A CAST 41 M F 1000A - 1110A CAST 42 M F 1000A - 1110A 4 3 12 4.33 3.00 17.33
BIOL 599 M 006 Masters Thesis *Collins, Scott ARR . V 2 8 1.33 25.00 4.67
BIOL 599 M 007 Masters Thesis *Cook, Joseph ARR . V 2 7 1.33 25.00 4.67
BIOL 599 M 012 Masters Thesis *Hurteau, Matthew ARR . V 1 1 0.33 25.00 0.33
BIOL 599 M 014 Masters Thesis *Litvak, Marcy ARR . V 3 13 1.33 25.00 6.00
BIOL 599 M 023 Masters Thesis *Pockman, William ARR . V 1 5 0.33 25.00 1.67
BIOL 599 M 029 Masters Thesis *Takacs, Cristina ARR . V 1 5 0.33 25.00 1.67
BIOL 599 M 035 Masters Thesis *Witt, Christopher ARR . V 1 1 1.00 25.00 1.67
BIOL 599 M 036 Masters Thesis *Wolf, Blair ARR . V 2 3 2.00 25.00 5.00
BIOL 599 M 043 Masters Thesis *Rudgers, Jennifer ARR . V 2 7 2.00 25.00 4.67
BIOL 599 M 044 Masters Thesis *Johnston, Christoph ARR . V 1 6 0.33 25.00 2.00
BIOL 699 P 001 Dissertation *Adema, Coenraad ARR . V 1 9 0.67 25.00 5.00
BIOL 699 P 006 Dissertation *Collins, Scott ARR . V 2 16 2.00 25.00 11.67
BIOL 699 P 007 Dissertation *Cook, Joseph ARR . V 2 12 2.00 25.00 12.00
BIOL 699 P 011 Dissertation *Hanson, David ARR . V 3 30 3.00 25.00 25.00
BIOL 699 P 016 Dissertation *Marshall, Diane ARR . V 1 9 0.33 10.00 3.00
BIOL 699 P 021 Dissertation *Natvig, Donald ARR . V 1 10 1.67 25.00 12.00
BIOL 699 P 023 Dissertation *Pockman, William ARR . V 1 6 1.00 25.00 6.00
BIOL 699 P 026 Dissertation *Smith, Felisa ARR . V 1 3 1.67 25.00 7.00
BIOL 699 P 032 Dissertation *Turner, Thomas ARR . V 2 15 1.33 25.00 10.67
BIOL 699 P 035 Dissertation *Witt, Christopher ARR . V 1 3 0.67 25.00 2.33
BIOL 699 P 036 Dissertation *Wolf, Blair ARR . V 3 12 2.00 25.00 12.00
BIOL 699 P 037 Dissertation *Denkers, Eric ARR . V 1 6 0.33 25.00 2.00
BIOL 699 P 038 Dissertation *Whitney, Kenneth ARR . V 1 9 0.67 25.00 5.00
BIOL 699 P 040 Dissertation *Wearing, Helen ARR . V 1 3 1.67 25.00 10.00
BIOL 699 P 041 Dissertation *Salinas, Irene ARR . V 2 9 1.67 25.00 9.33
BIOL 699 P 043 Dissertation *Rudgers, Jennifer ARR . V 2 12 1.67 25.00 12.67
BIOL 699 P 044 Dissertation *Johnston, Christoph ARR . V 1 6 1.33 25.00 7.67
BIOL 699 P 045 Dissertation *Hurteau, Matthew ARR . V 2 23 1.00 25.00 9.67
BIOL 699 P 046 Dissertation *Newsome, Seth ARR . V 1 6 1.00 25.00 5.33
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