The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Summer 2022 as of Census date: August 2, 2022
Campus: Main Campus -- College: PO-College of Population Health

  Three Year Summer Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
PH 101 L 001 Intro to Population Health *Pratesi, Claudia; Thomas, Tammy UNM CANV ARR . 3 24 72 18.33 50.00 55.00
PH 102 L 001 Global Health Challenges *Schwartz, Randy UNM CANV ARR . 3 13 39 10.00 50.00 30.00
PH 460 U 002 ST: Intro to MCH Public Health *Chambers, Stephanie; Sedillo, Pamela UNM CANV ARR . 3 8 24 3.00 20.00 8.67
PH 556 M 002 CBPR for Health *Wallerstein, Nina ARR . MTWRF 800A - 500P W 100P - 600P V 13 31 16.33 25.00 38.00
  05/25/2022 - 06/03/2022                
PH 560 M 002 ST: Intro to MCH Public Health *Chambers, Stephanie; Sedillo, Pamela UNM CANV ARR . 3 15 45 5.00 10.00 15.00
PH 593 M 001 Independent Studies *Wallerstein, Nina ARR . V 1 3 0.33 5.00 1.00
PH 593 M 003 Independent Studies *Tollestrup, Kristin ARR . V 1 1 1.33 5.00 2.00
PH 598 M 001 Publ Hlth Practicum *Stone, Sue ARR . V 9 18 15.33 21.67 30.33
          84 233 69.67 186.67 180.00