
8A - Planetary Astronomy

8A - Planetary Astronomy

8B - Stellar Astronomy

8C - Cosmology

8A 10.10 - Heliocentric Model:

Demonstrates: Planets revolving around the sun.

Description: A simple model of our solar system.

8A 10.20 - Pulsar:

Demonstrates: How a pulsar works.

Description: A ball has a point light source inside. When the ball rotates the beam "pulses".

8A 10.25 - Sun, Moon & Earth:

Demonstrates: The Earth's orbit around the Sun causes seasons and Moon's orbit causes phases.

Description: A spotlight represents the Sun, a white Styrofoam ball is the Moon and an Earth ball rounds out the trio.

8A 10.55 - Retrograde Motion:

Demonstrates: Demonstrates the "backward" motion of some planets.

Description: Rings rotate and the laser beam moves back and forth showing retrograde motion.

8A 10.80 - Celestial Sphere Model:

Demonstrates: The concept of the celestial sphere.

Description: A celestial globe with Earth at the center.