Oscillations and Waves

3C - Acoustics

3A - Oscillations

3B - Wave Motion

3C - Acoustics

3D - Instruments

3E - Sound Reproduction

3C 10.10 - Ear Drum Demos:

Demonstrates: How the ear drum operates.

Description: One is similar to a drum. When you thump on it a puff of air can be felt at the other end of the tube. The other is a liquid filled beaker. When pressure is applied on the top the ball bearing inside moves.

3C 20.20 - Differential and Sympathetic Tuning Fork Set:

Demonstrates: Beat phenomena and resonance.

Description: A set of two resonance tuning forks, one is adjustable for different pitch.

3C 20.30 - Siren:

Demonstrates: Changing pitch with changing frequencies.

Description: Compressed air is forced through the spinning disk's holes.

3C 40.10 - Lecture Hall Acoustics:

Demonstrates: Nodes.

Description: Two speakers emit a continuous tone. Students walk around until they find a node.

3C 50.10 - Introduction to Sound:

Demonstrates: Different sounds have different wave patterns.

Description: The keyboard's signal is displayed on the large overhead screen using the Proxima projector and a computer input.

3C 50.20 - Sound Meters:

Demonstrates: Sound levels in decibels.

Description: A hand held meter.

3C 50.30 - Velocity of Sound in Air:

Demonstrates: How fast sound moves in air.

Description: A microphone, a speaker, an oscilloscope, a function generator, a pre-amp and an amplifier all combine to measure the speed of sound.

3C 60.10 - Electronic Organ:

Demonstrates: A large variety of sounds.

Description: A basic battery operated electronic keyboard.