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Adam's Murals: Native Americans, Hispanic, Anglo and the three cultures.
The 1984 protest: The participants
Voices and people after 9/11 2002:
The lirics: Play "songs of freedom" by Bob Marley.
Learners' interaction:
Jack Condon
Migel Gandert Professor
Michael Weinman Producer
Kenneth Adams The Three Cultures of New Mexico murals
Eight protest speakers; (names unknown) The 1993 Zimerman Library protest video
Sweet Honey in the Rock Vocals, Redemption Song
Bob Marley Lyrics, Redemption Song
Terry Gugliotta UNM historian and archivist
Clayton Ford Library Information Specialist, UNM
Cornell West Speaker, in the Wake of 9–11, 2002
Tim Wise Speaker, The Politics of Prejudice, 2001
Bob Hazaus Cultural Crossroads of the Americas, 1996
Luis Jiminez Fiesta Jarabel, 1996
Richard Schaifer Media assistance
I-movie II Software, Apple Computers