
1J - Statistics of Rigid Bodies

1A - Measurement

1C - Motion in One Dimension

1D - Motion in Two Dimensions

1E - Relative Motion

1F - Newton's First Law

1G - Newton's Second Law

1H - Newton's Third Law

1J - Statistics of Rigid Bodies

1K - Applications of Newton's Laws

1L - Gravity

1M - Work and Energy

1N - Linear Momentum

1Q - Rotational Dynamics

1R - Properties of Matter

1J 10.12 - Center of Mass Pegboards:

Demonstrates: Center of mass.

Description: Pegboards of various shapes and relative size suspended with a string and mass hanging from the point of suspension.

1J 10.30 - Teeter Totter:

Demonstrates: Center of gravity.

Description: A wooden plank with equidistant marks set on a elevated rod for balancing and a masses to distribute on the plank.

1J 11.10 - Center of Mass Tower:

Demonstrates: Exceeding center of gravity.

Description: Two part wooden cylinder with free standing lean..

1J 11.20 - Leaning Tower of Lire:

Demonstrates: Exceeding center of gravity.

Description: Stacking of equal planks.

1J 11.50 - Rolling Uphill:

Demonstrates: Change in center of mass.

Description: A triangular based ramp and double coned ball to wedge into ramp.

1J 20.20 - Center of mass dumbell:

Demonstrates: Center of mass of a rotating body in trajectory.

Description: A dumbell of two nerf balls and hollow plastic arm with a light inside that is throw across the room.

1J 30.20 - Tension on a string:

Demonstrates: Equal but opposite forces.

Description: Two equal masses suspended on opposite sides of a Newton spring scale.

1J 30.25 - Strongman:

Demonstrates: Resolution of forces.

Description: Two unequal lengths of rope support a mass at different angles with spring scales to measure the force on each rope.

1J 30.28 - Resolution of Forces:

Demonstrates: Vector addition, resolution of forces.

Description: Two spring scales hung with a mass off center between them.

1J 30.40 - Horizontal Boom:

Demonstrates: Resolution forces.

Description: Horizontal boom..

1J 40.20 - Meter Stick Balance:

Demonstrates: Center of gravity; torque.

Description: New York balance.