
1K - Applications of Newton's Laws

1A - Measurement

1C - Motion in One Dimension

1D - Motion in Two Dimensions

1E - Relative Motion

1F - Newton's First Law

1G - Newton's Second Law

1H - Newton's Third Law

1J - Statistics of Rigid Bodies

1K - Applications of Newton's Laws

1L - Gravity

1M - Work and Energy

1N - Linear Momentum

1Q - Rotational Dynamics

1R - Properties of Matter

1K 10.20 - Ladder Against a Wall:

Demonstrates: Torque forces.

Description: A model ladder is placed against a box and a weight is moved up the ladder until the ladder begins to slip.

1K 20.10 - Friction Blocks:

Demonstrates: Frictional Forces.

Description: A block with various surfaces is pulled with a spring scale.

1K 20.35 - Angle of Repose:

Demonstrates: Angle of Repose.

Description: An incline plane is lifted until a block begins to slide.

1K 30.10 - Bed of Nails Video:

Demonstrates: Distribution of Pressure.

Description: This video shows Dr. Wolfe demonstrating this concept.