
5F - DC Circuits

5A - Electrostatics

5B - Electric Fields and Potential

5C - Capacitance

5D - Resistance

5E - Electromotive Force and Current

5F - DC Circuits

5G - Magnetic Materials

5H - Magnetic Fields and Forces

5J - Inductance

5K - Electromagnetic Induction

5L - AC Circuits

5M - Semiconductors and Tubes

5N - Electromagnetic Radiation

5F 15.25 - Bird on a Wire:

Demonstrates: Potential difference on a powerline.

Description: A "bird" is molded with gun-cotton and "perched" on a nichrome wire. When the two aluminum sections touch both a hot wire and the ground top wire, poof, the bird disappears.

5F 20.50 - Series and Paralles Circuits (Lamp Demo):

Demonstrates: Series and parallel circuits.

Description: Three 40 W and one 150 W bulbs are used to show different circuits.

5F 30.20 - Breadboard:

Demonstrates: Series and parallel circuits.

Description: The big circuit board, power source and oscilloscope are used to make circuits.

5F 30.30 - Big Circuit Board:

Demonstrates: Combinations of R, C and L circuits.

Description: By using the plug-ins and wires several different types of circuits can be created with the "physicist's Lego set." About ten different experiments can be done with the big board.

5F 30.35 - R C Circuit:

Demonstrates: Combinations of R and C circuits.

Description: The Tektronics 2445 is used to display the charge and discharge time of the capacitor along with the voltage across the resistor.

5F 30.40 - Battery and Bulb:

Demonstrates: Series and parallel circuits.

Description: A simple set up of two batteries in a holder with two alligator clip leads and bulbs.