
5G - Magnetic Materials

5A - Electrostatics

5B - Electric Fields and Potential

5C - Capacitance

5D - Resistance

5E - Electromotive Force and Current

5F - DC Circuits

5G - Magnetic Materials

5H - Magnetic Fields and Forces

5J - Inductance

5K - Electromagnetic Induction

5L - AC Circuits

5M - Semiconductors and Tubes

5N - Electromagnetic Radiation

5G 10.10 - Magnetic Properties:

Demonstrates: Magnetic fields.

Description: A suspended magnet "floats" around other magnets on the base.

5G 20.30 - Magnetic Domain Model:

Demonstrates: Electromagnetic fields.

Description: Compasses are placed around a wire. Current is applied and needles are deflected.

5G 40.10 - Hysteresis Loop:

Demonstrates: Closed curve in a graph of B versus H.

Description: The magnetic field intensity is first increased and then decreased causing the loop.

5G 45.10 - Lodestone:

Demonstrates: Magnetism.

Description: This rock is a natural magnet.

5G 50.50 - Meissner Effect:

Demonstrates: Zero resistance at very low temperatures.

Description: A magnet chilled in liquid nitrogen levitates in mid-air and can be spun around.