Study of Nutrients (Nitrogen and Phosphorous) in Phewa Lake Sediments


Motivation and Objectives

Project Location


Data and sources

Results and Discussion

Conclusion and Future work

References and Acknowledgements

Project location

Phewa lake is situated in Nepal (in Asia) which is shown in Figures below. In Nepal, Phewa lake lies in Pokhara Sub-metropolitan city (Kaski district, one of the 75 districts of Nepal) and at distance of 198 Km west from Capital city Kathmandu.  The latitude and longitude of lake is 83° 55’ 44” E to 83° 58’ 10” E and 28°11’44” N to 28° 13’40” N


                                                                                    Figure 1: Nepal in world map and map of Nepal                                                                          



                                                                                    Figure 2: Phewa lake in Kaski District


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