Study of Nutrients (Nitrogen and Phosphorous) in Phewa Lake Sediments


Motivation and Objectives

Project Location


Data and sources

Results and Discussion

Conclusion and Future work

References and Acknowledgements

Result and Discussion

Samples were collected for 16 locations which is shown in figure 1 below for analysis of concentration of nutrients. The watershed of lake occupies the area of about 112 Km2 for the outlet of lake (outlet shown by yellow dot in figure 2) and watershed is shown in figure 2.


                                                                        Figure 1: Sample location                                                                                    Figure 2: Watershed for outlet of Phewa lake


                                                            Kriging method is used for showing the distribution map for concentration of Nitrogen and Phosphorous


                                                            Figure 3: Nitrogen distribution                                                   Figure 4: Phosphorus distribution                                                            Figure 5: Land use map


From above figure it is seen that, nitrogen is higher at inlet and outlet of lake. Since inlet accumulate the water from agricultural land and outlet receives water draining from urban area without proper treatment, the distribution of nitrogen looks fine on the basis of landuse. Similarly, phosphorus is extreme at inlet receiving water from dense forest and agricultural farm. Also, since northeast corner of lake receive drained water from urban and erosion from dense forest, has high concentration of phosphorous.


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