Study of Nutrients (Nitrogen and Phosphorous) in Phewa Lake Sediments


Motivation and Objectives

Project Location


Data and sources

Results and Discussion

Conclusion and Future work

References and Acknowledgements


Nepal lies in UTM zone between 44 and 45. Due to greater expansion in east-west direction of Nepal, Survey Department of Nepal uses Modified UTM (MUTM) for increasing accuracy in cadastral survey. Because of this reason, MUTM is used as projection. In this projection, there are 120 zones each of 30 longitude.

The modified UTM has following features:

False Easting: 500 000   

False northing:0

Central Meridian= 84 0    

Scale factor= 0.9999

Units: Meter


The geographic co-ordinate system or datum used is GCS_Everest_Bangladesh 1937.

                                                            Figure: Map showing UTM zone for Nepal and study area



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